Thursday, August 7, 2008

♥ ZAP!!! ♥

Have you ever played a game called Zap????
Well, I have and here is how you play.
1.You and you friend write a boy's name on the other person's hand.
2. The you chose a time to look at the hand.
3. If you look at the hand before the certain time you have to ask out the person on your hand.

That it basically the game it is actually really hard cuz u want to see who is on your hand.
Once my friend and I played good thing we both didn't look.
Because I wrote a cute lifeguard's name on her hand.
And she put the nurse's son's name on my hand.
(It was bad cuz the nurse's son it like only 5 years old and the lifeguard was like 20)



AVampireAtHeart <3 said...

hey alexis
this is miley cyrus's #1 fan. u no who i am dont u?

AVampireAtHeart <3 said...

i am also in ur class

AVampireAtHeart <3 said...

yes i no who you r. you r u know who's sister.

AVampireAtHeart <3 said...

my summer is going ok. i am not going anywhere so i am kind of bored. i am going to the concert on sunday. and yes i no aabha has a blog cause she made it at my house.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I luv the new look for your blog!

Kayren_Duncan said...

I haven't played it but if I did and someone picks Oliver or another person I well like or hate I am not going to ask them out! lol